The Reform Advocate (Chicago, Illinois) (June 25, 1898)
Roumania . On the occasion of the jubilee of the revolution of the Roumanians against Hungary in 1848 , the students in Jassy who celebrated the occasion attempted a hostile manifestation in front of the consulate-general for Austria-Hungary in that city . They were , however , prevented from carrying out their intention by the gendarmes and the troops ; and secret agents of police , who always mingle with mobs on such occasions , in order to create a diversion advised the crowd of vagabonds to avenge themselves on the Jews . Our coreligionists , ever prudent and peaceful , remained in their homes , and thus not a single one of them was seen in the streets . But on their way , the mob passed the Kanner Synagogue , which had only just been finished, and they made a fierce assault on the building. All the panes of glass were smashed, the doors and window-frames were carried away, the talethim, tephillim and prayer-books were torn into thousands of shreds, and the scrolls of the law were abominably defiled, torn and trampled under foot, and then thrown into the street.