The Jewish Voice (St. Louis Missouri) (March 19, 1897)

Roumania. The Minister of Public Instruction has been on a visit to Jassy, and the Jewish community there has taken advantage of his presence to call his attention to the hardship which the new Bill on Secondary Education, prepared by his predecessor, would inflict on the Jews. The object of this Bill is to eliminate Jews from Secondary Schools in the same way that the Act of 1893 has practically shut out Jewish children from elementary and technical schools. The . Minister, in reply to the deputation, assured them that he did not consider the Bill liberal nor equitable to the Jews. He agreed that it needed radical revision, and with this object he had referred it to a Commission composed of former Secretaries-General in the Ministry of Instruction, and of teachers of secondary education, with the view to its being modified in a liberal sense. He had already been informed from Bucharest that the provision regulating the admission of pupils, of which the Jews justly complained, had been rejected by the majority of the Commission.