The Australian Jewish Times (December 20, 1984)

A group of European Jews now living in Australia, who were saved during World War II by Colonel Imre Reviczky, will honor his memory next February. The group, calling itself the Reviczky Commemorative Committee, has invited the late Colonel’s son, Adam Reviczky, and his wife, Eva, to Sydney.

The couple, who live in Budapest, will be guests at a special dinner at the Hakoah Club. A memorial service will be held in honor of Colonel Reviczky at the South Head and District Synagogue.

At the same time, a plaque in his memory and that of the Hungarian Holocaust victims will be unveiled.

Colonel Reviczky, named a Righteous Gentile by the Government of Israel, was in charge of the Forced Labor Camp Division 10 (X-IK Munkaszolgalatos Zaszloalj).

Many of the camp inmates, most of whom originated from Transylvania, now in Romania, were saved from death by Colonel Reviczky.