The Hebrew Standard (May 23, 1918)
The Jewish press bureau in Stockholm has received the following communication from Vienna: In connection with the peace negotiations between the Central Powers and Rumania the fate of the Rumanian and Bessarabian Jews is being anxiously discussed in Jewish political circles. It is pointed out with apprehensions that up till now Germany and Austria have abstained from stating their attitude towards the position of the Jews in Romania, and it is to be feared that it is not the intention of these' powers to introduce in the treaty of peace stipulations which could represent positive and effective guarantees for the full emancipation of the Jews. The anxiety is growing in connection with the fate of the Bessarabian Jews who, having for so many sacrifices acquired with all other Russians political liberty, may be deprived of their rights under Rumanian domination. It is to be assumed that all Jewish parties will in this connection take energetic measures and make representations to the government.