The Hebrew Standard (New York City) (March 29, 1907)

Synagogue Wrecked and Jews Wounded.

BUCHAREST, March 24.— As a train conveying peasant Reservists from the district of Teleorman, on the Danube, was proceeding to Moldavia it was stopped at the town of Alexandria by a large number of Reservists belonging there. They stoned the train and persuaded their fellow-reservists to join them in demolishing a synagogue and in completely ruining Jewish and Greek shops.

The rioters were charged by cavalry and took refuge in a neighboring wood.

The authorities have warned all Jews in the small towns and villages to leave immediately for the sake of safety, and large numbers are constantly arriving here.

In view of the serious state of affairs, a number of members of the Chamber of Deputies intend to propose the proclamation of a state of siege in the disturbed districts.

The Conservative Cabinet has resigned and a Liberal Ministry has been formed under the presidency of M. Sturdza, who was Premier in a former Cabinet.

SOFIA March 24.— News received here from Sistoff and Nikopoli, Bulgaria, is to the effect that many Jewish refugees and large Christian landed proprietors have arrived there in boats, fleeing from the excesses and persecutions of the insurgent Roumanian peasants.

ODESSA March 24.— The Odesski Novosti asserts that it is in possession of information connecting the anti-Semitic excesses in Roumania and the provoca- , tive agitation in Bessarabia with the machinations of the Union of True Russian People.

The paper says that in consequence of this Premier Stolypin has telegraphed to the Governor of Bessarabia, urging immediate energetic measures to prevent the spread of disorders in that province.

VIENNA, March 24. -- Despite the fears of serious disturbances in Roumania, especially at Jassy, to-day passed with comparative quiet, so far as the news received here indicates. It seems that the energetic precautions taken by the Government proved effective.

While the news from Jassy is satisfactory, reports from Bukowina, on the frontier, are less favorable. In the mountains of Borujeni various bands of farmers wait for fugitives, whom they pillage and maltreat. They then disappear in the mountains, thus carrying on a kind of guerrilla war. It is said that the Roumanian gendarmes participate in these outrages. In the District of Dorogol excesses are still going on, while it is reported that In the Allessandria Province of Wallachia many Jews have been wounded and their building destroyed.